a lot of people are transitioning from growing lawns to growing food. depending on where you live this can be a very tricky subject. some municipalities require you to acquire a variance or special permit to grow things higher than 12 inches (in your front yard). here in denver height isn’t so much the issue as is the use of water. if you choose to go this route, my suggestion is, plan your garden and the watering zones with sensitivity and caution. plan(t) smarter don’t work harder.
one method that is simple to design for the diy folks out there is the square foot gardening method. square foot gardening combines several methods; bio-intensive planting, composting, organic gardening and is often planted in raised beds. there are many books and websites on this subject and it can be as plain as a square bed or as intricate as you can dream up.
when you start to design your space plant things close together that have similar watering requirements to help eliminate over or under usage of water. planting and watering in zones is a good method to follow, especially in the desert or other places experiencing droughts. get creative when watering; use olla’s, drip systems and rain barrels if you location allows it. the more efficient your garden is started, the more time you will have to enjoy it. using simple methods such as these will help streamline your gardening time and use your resources more efficiently.
if you have any questions on square foot gardening or setting up watering zones send me a message.
resources on square foot gardening and watering methods:
happy gardening…