i met an individual yesterday who was from richmond va. i have very little reference for richmond other than it is home to lewis ginter botanical garden. i had the pleasure of visiting this garden in the summer of 2005. one element i was particularly drawn to was the tree house in the children’s garden. now a tree house might intrigue most, this one is special. it has form and function, beautifully designed and ADA accessible. we learn about standards and requirements in school; however practice sometimes fails in the equity department. this tree house can only be entered one way and EVERYBODY regardless of ability uses the same route. this is to ensure all users have the same experience. if you ever find yourself in richmond check out the garden and whether you have kids or not the tree house is worth venturing to the children’s garden.
photo courteous of ms. kelly ann's blog
the amazing company who designs and installs these tree houses is called THE TREE HOUSE GUYS formerly FOREVER YOUNG TREEHOUSES. check out their website at this link.
stay forever young…